Summer's Important Foods

Summers are extremely hot and dry in India. Days are extremely hot. Temperature & humidity content varies from place to place. Some where it is very tough to go out during day time. Still we have to move out for schools, colleges, market, offices, hospitals, railway station, bus stand, etc.
In every season we must be careful regarding our health. Due to hot and dry weather we sweat a lot. Sweating causes loss of water and salts from the body. So, we must be known about the foods which maintain our health in hot and dry summer.
Drugmarch suggests you some foods which may be helpful to live us comfortable and keep us away from diseases, such as diarrhoea, dehydration,  heat stroke, eye burning, skin infection, headache, high blood pressure etc. These foods are mango, melons, cucumber, orange, gourd, lemon, mints etc.

Mango: Mango, the king of the fruits, is common in summer season. Yes, when we talk about mango we start watering in our mouth feeling its delicious taste. There are lots of varieties of mangoes. Mango is rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates. It contains big quantity of fibres/ roughage.  Soup of burnt (raw) mango prevents from heat stroke.

Water melon: Water melon is rich in water. You can say the water content in water melon is more than 90%. It protects our skin from extreme heat. It is good for stomach. It also protects from high blood pressure, acidic problem, indigestion, heart related diseases cold, flues, constipation etc. It keeps our liver and heart healthy.

Musk melon: It is also very useful and advantageous in summer season because water content in musk melon is high. Besides this it contains vitamins & minerals which improve our immense system and protect several diseases.

Orange: A very common fruit which is being used by maximum part of the world. Orange is rich in almost all kinds of vitamins, but vitamin C is very high. Minerals such as thiamin, foliate, potassium are also present in orange which help in muscular cramps. Oranges also have Beta carotene, lutin and cryptoxanithin which help to keep us away from infection. It maintains water balance, adds good quantity of minerals and improves our immune system.

Cucumbers: Cucumbers are available in all seasons. But eating cucumbers in summer season is extremely good for our good health. This is due to high content water and nutrients such as vitamin (A, C, folic acid), Minerals (magnesium, molybdenum, silica, fibres). Cucumbers is good for our digestive system, skin disorder, eye burn and eye swelling, prevent constipation, good to body weight etc; cure gas problem. Raw cucumber is better than cooked.

Lemon: It is rich in vitamin C. It boosts our metabolism, increase appetite and keeps our skin, gums, stomach and liver healthy. It reduces acidity in the stomach and reduces gas problems. Gas is a common problem which is caused due to over eating, junk foods, oily and spicy foods, over working, indigestion, low content of fibres in the diet and lack of balanced diet on proper time.

Mint: Mint leaves are used in making food items. It is also used in salad. Drinking a glass of water in summer is advantage. It keeps our stomach cool, increases metabolism and appetite.

Gourd: Gourds are common in summer season. It contains minerals such as Calcium and magnesium and rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. Gourd cooked using less spices and oil is a good very good for health. It keeps the body cool and maintains normal blood pressure and water balance in the body. It helps in blood purification. Gourd helps to keep the liver, heart, stomach healthy. Content of water and roughage are high in gourd. So, consumption of gourd prevents constipation.

Onion: Without onion the kitchen looks empty. Onion is used in almost all foods except sweet dishes. It is a modified stem and an important spice to make food delicious. Onion is also used as raw to make salad. Consumption of raw onion and keeping raw onion in the arm bits in extremely hot and dry climate region is the best way to protect from heat stroke.

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