Childhood Obesity – A Silent Epidemic

A recent research has found alarming facts about childhood obesity. Almost 16-30% of the children in the age group between 6 to 16 years are obese worldwide. These figures have dramatically increased in the last two decades. Expectedly, 70% of these children will grow into obese adults. These obese adults would carry a 30% risk of developing Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Syndrome X leading to Heart Diseases, Depression, Poly Cystic Ovarian disease, to name a few.
The scenario in India is of extreme concern. Due to rapid urbanization and changing life style, childhood obesity here is growing at a colossal pace. This is unfortunate, because we as a nation, were still struggling to get rid of malnutrition amongst children.
Overweight is defined as Body Mass Index (BMI) >85 and <94 percentile. BMI>95 percentile at a given age and gender constitutes Obesity.
Common triggers of obesity are consumption of high calorie food, inadequate exercise, some hormonal imbalances and children born to obese parents.
Once diagnosed, the doctor can get a few blood tests done like Blood Sugar, Lipid Profile and Hormonal Assays
The mainstay of treatment is to control weight gain rather than aiming for a weight reduction. However, a weight reduction of 0.5 kg per month or 1 kg per week is advised in a high risk obese child. Medications and surgery are not usually advised in childhood obesity except in extreme cases.
Avoid Sweets & Sweetened Beverages
Eat Healthy – increase intake of fruits and vegetables
Avoid Eating Fast Food and eating at Fast Food Restaurants
Exercise –Physical activities should be moderately vigorous type for 1 hr a day
Restrict TV and other screen time like gaming to less than 1 hr a day
Encourage Family Meals Together Motivate and encourage the child
It is better to adapt a holistic family approach rather than targeting the obese child.


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