Meningitis: Don’t take it easy!

Meningitis is a viral as well as bacterial disease. In this disease the fine tissues surrounding the brain and the spinal cord get inflated. Viral meningitis is common and not serious but treatment is must. Where bacterial meningitis is rare but serious and immediate attention is required. Any negligence or carelessness in case of bacterial meningitis may be dangerous and it can take life also. Meningitis can cause ear damage, blockage of blood vessels in the brain, damage the brain, cause stroke and even death. Meningitis can spread person to person. It easily spread in infants, teen agers and young.

 Meningitis is caused by:
Ø  Virus
Ø  Bacteria (Meningococci & Pneumococci)
Ø  Fungi
Ø  Parasites
Ø  Chemical/ drug allergies

Common Symptoms:
Ø  Nausea, vomiting
Ø  Severe headache
Ø  Photophobia
Ø  Sudden fever and chill
Ø  Stiff neck
Ø  Rapid breathing
Ø  Poor feeding
Ø  Unusual position of the head with neck
Ø  Changing of the mental status

Ø  Vaccination
Ø  Wash your hand regularly and properly before meals
Ø  Don’t go near by a patient or the patient should be kept isolated
Ø  Don’t share the patient’s belongings

Ø  Immediate consult to a doctor and get proper treatment when you see symptoms


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